“Me & You, Growing Together ” is a Lottery funded project for young people disadvantaged by disability, special needs and ill health.
This project will help address the lack of work experience opportunities available for young people between 19 – 25 years who are disadvantaged by disability, special needs and ill health.
We plan to build the skills, self-confidence and esteem of young disadvantaged by disability, special needs and ill health by providing worthwhile and meaningful work experience.
The project aims are to:-
Use a mix of practical and personal skills work experience to build self-confidence and esteem of young people.
Give young people the opportunity to work in a team, take leadership roles and share skills to achieve shared goals in a positive environment.
Give young people the opportunity to develop personal and practical skills using skilled support staff and volunteers to gain transferable life skills to support independent living.
Provide work experience as part of a social enterprise and developing customer service skills which will increase soft skills, improve employability and increase self-esteem and positive mental health.
Help to increase confidence to a point where young people understand and appreciate the contribution they can make to work and volunteering environments.
Help young people realise their potential by showing them they can make a valuable contribution to a success team.
The projects focus is on success and continual encouragement and improvement. Practical outdoor work experience has the added health and wellbeing benefits of increased physical activity.
For further information please contact Sandie on 01902 372 441 or sandie@albrightontrust.org.uk