WVSC are excited to announce that we have been successful in securing funding through the national Building Connections Fund to help local vulnerable people in Wolverhampton to overcome the damaging effects of loneliness. We will do this through a partnership of local voluntary sector organisations known as The Wellbeing Partnership, who will deliver an exciting range of new services and activities. The joint funding from Her Majesty’s Government and National Lottery players will enable the project to be delivered over the next 2 years until 2021 and will provide a great boost to the local voluntary and community sector as well as to local people.
The idea for the project came out of work done by WVSC’s Social Prescribing project which works with vulnerable people, the majority of whom are struggling with the effects of loneliness and isolation alongside other non medical needs. Staff spend time talking with them about their needs and interests and linking them with suitable activities and services to meet those needs. 95% of service users show an improvement in their wellbeing and 86% report a decrease in loneliness as a result, but with ever increasing funding cuts within the voluntary sector we are often struggling to find the right services to meet peoples’ needs.
So the Wellbeing Partnership will fill some of these gaps and provide local vulnerable people with a greater choice of activities to help them on their path to wellness
WVSC will provide structure and oversight to the partnership which will include the following organisations:
- Gatis Community Space – Acts of Random Caring CIC
- St George’s Hub
- The Hope Centre
- Wolverhampton LGBT + Alliance
- Beacon Vision
- Windmill Community Church
These organisations will deliver specific services and activities to meet the identified gaps so look out for their new activities over the coming months.
If you would like to know more about this Wellbeing Partnership please get in touch with Linda Stone, Social Prescribing Project Manager, WVSC on lstone@wolverhamptonvsc.org,uk or 01902 328 987.