Mental Health Awareness Week 9th - 15th May 2022 - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
3 years ago

Mental Health Awareness Week
9th – 15th May 2022

The City is marking Mental Health Awareness week from 9-15 May.  The theme of this year’s campaign is loneliness, and this week we are all being encouraged to talk more openly about feelings of loneliness. Loneliness is affecting more and more people and has had a huge impact on our physical and mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic.  There will be a drop in exhibition taking place in the Mander Centre where you can meet officers from some of our local services to support your wellbeing taking place on Tue 10,Wed 11 and Thu 12 May.

Here’s a schedule of events that you can take part in:

Monday 9 May10am- 12 noon Community Talking Points Tea & Chat at Central Library.
A pop-up Tea & Chat event hosted by the Community Support service to help you build meaningful connections with your community and reduce loneliness

10-12 noon Loneliness event Black Country Healthcare NHS Trust – join the event to discuss and explore the theme of loneliness and meet the teams.
Register here:
Supporting people with their mental health Tickets, Mon 9 May 2022 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

Tuesday 10 May10am- 3pm Mander Centre Exhibition.  An opportunity to meet local services and find out how they can support your mental health and wellbeing
Wednesday 11 May10am- 3pm Mander Centre Exhibition

3-5pm Loneliness event Black Country Healthcare NHS Trust- – join the event to discuss and explore the theme of loneliness and meet the teams.
Register here:
Supporting people with their mental health Tickets, Wed 11 May 2022 at 15:00 | Eventbrite

Thursday 12 May10am- 3pm  Mander Centre Exhibition

*Starfish social hub creative writing workshopExplore how connections with others can benefit our mental health. Over a cup of tea, join in the conversation and make your mark on our ‘Connections Collage’!

*10.00- 11.30am at Penn Library

**2.00- 3.30pm at Warstones Library

Friday 13 May9.30 – 11.30am Tea and Toast Morning, a Head 4 Health drop in, to meet like-minded people at The Mews, Shaw Road, Coseley, Bilston, West Midlands, WV14 9PU

*2.00 -3.30 pm Scrabble and Chess for adults at Central Library

*Please contact for more information or to book a slot!