Upcoming Training Opportunities - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
5 years ago

Safer Recruitment training – for Voluntary and Community Organisations
This accredited course forms one of the central planks of safeguarding in any organisation. WVSC recommends at least two people who are likely to be involved in all recruitment for the organisation attend this training.

The course is accredited by the Safer Recruitment Consortium and the Lucy Faithwell Foundation. It is taking place:

  • on: Weds 1st April
  • at: WVSC, 16 Temple Street Wolverhampton, WV2 4AN
  • from: 9:30am to 4:00pm (prompt start so please arrive 10 minutes early)

Places are limited so book them asap at https://safer-recruitment-training-for-vol-orgs.eventbrite.co.uk

Any questions call Stephen Dodd on 01902 328985 or 07981 931849

New multi-agency safeguarding courses now available
A range of new and key safeguarding training courses for case workers and Named Safeguarding Leads and Deputies have been recently posted on the Wolverhampton Safeguarding website and places are still available.

The titles of the core courses for these roles are:

  • Safeguarding Children: A Shared Responsibility
  • Core Working Together
  • Understanding Wolverhampton Thresholds and Early Help Assessment
  • Making Safeguarding Personal with Adults including What is a Good Enquiry
  • Core Working Together – Safeguarding Children and Young People
  • Contributing to Multi-agency Child Protection Conferences

All courses are scheduled to run on more than one date.

Book your place at https://www.wolverhamptonsafeguarding.org.uk/training-and-other-events

Introduction to Safeguarding – an online course
Arrangements have now been agreed for voluntary and community organisations to access free on line safeguarding training through Wolverhampton City Council’s Learning hub covering work with

  • Children and young people
  • Adults with care and support needs (formerly called vulnerable adults or adults at risk of abuse)

Organisations wishing their employees or volunteers to access this training can either

1. Click here to open a spreadsheet, complete the un-shaded sections, save it as one of your files and then attach it to an email to steve@yow.org.uk.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact Stephen on 01902 328985