VCS Gathering: Children & Young People - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
4 years ago

Our next VCS Gathering will focus on work with children and young people.

Covid-19 has disproportionately affected children and young people (and their families).

This is an opportunity to explore and discuss some of these impacts with an emphasis on what this means for the support and activities we provide as a sector as restrictions ease – in particular in relation to  mental health, inclusion, ability to influence, and support for parents.

There will be local input and the opportunity for discussion through breakout rooms around the following topics:

  • Current issues for children and young people and for our work with them
  • Children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health and current support offer in Wolverhampton – Base 25
  • Re-imagining activities and support for children and young people, and their families – barriers and solutions:
  1. For delivery that has been paused or delivered virtually – Re-opening activities safely inc. hiring / using spaces and places
  2. What we’ve learned and changes to delivery going forwards
  3. Support for parents
  4. Inclusion
  • Co-production and #YES (Youth Engagement Strategy)
  • Quick-fire information round up – local and regional developments, funding etc.


We’d love to hear your thoughts before the Gathering…

Tell us what you feel are the top 3 issues for C&YP or in your work with them – submit your answers on our Menti poll here and we’ll share the at the Gathering.

Register now at Eventbrite