West Midlands Combined Authority 'Community Green Grants' funding workshop - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
3 years ago

WVSC is hosting a West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) Community Green Grants Funding Workshop.

Ruth Burgess, Community Green Grants Project Officer will lead the workshop.

When: Tues 15th March, 10:30 – 12:00 via Zoom.

The funding is open to any eligible group or organisation based in the West Midlands WMCA area but priority will be given to areas with green deprivation.

Examples of potential projects include:

  • Nature playgroups that give children and families with no regular access to green space opportunites to experience hands on activities.
  • Activities run at community gardens/open spaces/parks, e.g. tree planting, gardening, urban greening, growing fruit and vegetables
  • Development of new community green spaces that increase local access
  • Projects that significantly improve the biodiversity of the area and promote behavioural change on accessing green spaces.
  • Those that increase or improve green/blue (canal, rivers etc.) spaces close to where people live.

This session will detail:

  • the different levels of funding available
  • how you can apply for funding and
  • the process
  • There is more information on Community Green Grants here.

> Book your free place on the workshop here