Bailey Thomas Charitable Fund – Deadline: 1st August 2020 - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
5 years ago

The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund is a registered charity which was established to provide both research and project funding in the area of severe learning difficulties, including autism for both children and adults.

Grants are made to cover capital projects and core costs to include staff costs, general running and office costs at charitable organisations, schools and centres.

Projects funded include:

  • Capital works for residential, nursing and respite care, and schools
  • Employment schemes including woodwork, crafts, printing and horticulture
  • Play schemes and play therapy schemes
  • Day and social activities centres including building costs and running costs
  • Support for families, including respite schemes
  • Independent living schemes
  • Support in the community schemes
  • Snoezelen rooms

Applications will only be considered from voluntary organisations which are registered charities or are associated with a registered charity. Schools and Parent Teacher Associations and Industrial & Provident Societies can also apply. Funding in the past has ranged in value from £250 to £150,000.

The next deadline for applications seeking funding in excess of £10,000 is the 1st August 2020.

Applications for £10,000 and below are considered under the Small Grants procedure and can be submitted at any time.

> More information