Community Renewal Fund - Update - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
4 years ago

Following previous updates about the Community Renewal fund (“Pilot” for the Shared Prosperity Fund) this is a reminder that the deadline for applications (12/05/21 at 12 noon) is fast approaching.

> Find out more about the fund here.

In the meantime there is lots of activity across Wolverhampton and the region – three projects in particular that may be of interest to local VCOs are:

  • Digital Inclusion – A bid that will cover the whole region with opportunities for VCOs – download the briefing note here.
  • Skills development – VCS led – providing skills and training to thematic communities facing significant barriers.  This is a Wolverhampton based VCS delivered proposal – currently in development.  To find our more please contact Ian Darch
  • Strategic Cultural bid –  The Cultural Sector is coming together strategically across WM to put in an application. Funds will be distributed and managed locally, in Wolves case via Cultural Compact. Further details will be provided in due course.

If you are seeking partners to be part of any bids that you are involved in please contact Sharon Nanan-Sen at in the first instance.