CRF 50+ Partnership – Innovation Fund Extended - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
3 years ago

As part of the Community Renewal Fund 50+ Project, the Innovation Fund has been extended for applications.

The CRF 50+ Project aims to support individuals to develop skills, move into education and closer to or into employment. There are a number of Navigator organisations in Wolverhampton who are supporting the project who are also able to apply for this fund.

The Innovation Fund is for small applications to deliver pilot activities and test new approaches/delivery which respond to local people’s needs. This support should provide specific support to those aged 50+.

As part of this fund you will be expected to meet the targets of the overall programme; engaging unemployed, employed and inactive participants.

Groups and organisations can apply for equipment, resources, training, group work etc. from £50 up to a maximum of £5000.

There is no closing date, however, please note that all work must be delivered and paid for by the 31st August 2022 and claimed for by the 30th September 2022.

All monitoring information regarding delivery, outcomes and spend will need to be verified by the end of September 2022.

All applications will be scored against the needs of the target group and the aims of the programme.

For an application form, please contact Sharon Nanan-Sen