EOI: Black Country and West Birmingham Health Inequalities Improvement Programme 2021/22
VCSE and Local Authority Partners across the BC&WB are asked to set out proposals for Health Inequalities initiatives to address Core20PLUS5 (this is a focus on the 20% areas of highest deprivation) and local priorities for between £50,000 and up to a maximum of £100,000 of non-recurrent funding and support this year.
Initial outline proposals are required by 5pm Friday 28th January – one side of A4 which summarises the following;
- What are the details of you project?
- Who is the target audience and in what geography will you deliver the project/support?
- Why this intervention is necessary?
- What difference will it make?
- How much will it cost?
- How will the project/partnership support and complement other system and local HI priorities such as:
– The Core20PLUS5 approach i.e. areas with highest levels of deprivation, social injustice as well as 5 key clinical areas identified in Appendix 1.
– Diabetes, childhood obesity, adult obesity, mental health access, smoking cessation, elective restart and Covid-19 vaccine uptake.
- What distinguishes you/your partnership from other system partners (NHS, LA’s) i.e How you/your team/your project is able to understand, appreciate and interact with people from diverse cultures or belief systems
- How will success be measured?
You should also share initial outline proposals with Directors of Public Health and Local Infrastructure Organisations/CVS’s so they are sighted. If you are uncertain who your DPH or LIO is, please contact Naomi Dorrington for assistance and contact details.
Shortlisted projects will be notified early w/c 31st January after which a full proposal will be required by Friday 4th February.
Full proposal should expand and elaborate upon the information provided in the initial proposal. Support will be available from the CCG Transformation and Partnership Team.
Initial proposals should sent to Ramjeet Matharu via email on ramjeetmatharu@nhs.net Any enquires or points of clarification contact Naomi Dorrington – Snr Manager for Partnerships and Inclusion on naomi.dorrington1@nhs.net.