Invitation to bid for Safer Streets Funding - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
3 years ago

Wolverhampton has been successful in achieving funding from the Home Office Safer Streets Fund to address crime within the Bilston East, Bilston North and Ettingshall areas of the City.

To support this work we are offering the opportunity for community organisations to apply for a grant of up to £10,000 to deliver projects which raise awareness of crime, deliver crime prevention advice or activities, support victims of crime, or deter criminality within the specified areas.

Activity should be focused within the areas in blue specified within the below map (click / tap to enlarge):

Proposals will be particularly welcomed which focus on the following crime types:

  • Vehicle crime
  • Robbery
  • Theft from person
  • Burglary

Support around crime prevention advice will be available to successful applicants.

Funding period:

The grant will be provided to deliver projects from 1st November to 31st March 2022.


Projects should be inclusive and accessible to members of the community in the specified areas.

Work should focus on raising awareness of crime and how to report, raising awareness of crime prevention activity to deter offenders, promoting access to local services and building community cohesion and capacity.

Examples of possible projects could include:

  • A youth group to engage young people and raise awareness of crime. prevention advice and activity or deter young people from criminality;
  • Enhanced community activity to deter crime, for example street watch groups;
  • Community events to raise awareness of crime prevention advice and to build community cohesion.

How to apply

In order to apply please submit an overview of your project proposal to by 3 October 2021.

Applications should include

  • An overview of activity;
  • Timescales for delivery of projects;
  • Expected outcomes;
  • Breakdown of associated costs and level of funding required.

Successful applicants will be informed by Friday 10 October. All projects must be delivered and invoices paid by 31 March 2022.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss your application please contact Ruth Worsey, Community Safety Officer –