West Midlands Violence Reduction Unit - one-off emergency funding - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
5 years ago

The West Midlands Violence Reduction Unit (WMVRU) has secured some one-off emergency funding for small/micro charities that are working with vulnerable young people at risk of being involved in serious violence. This funding is to be spent on supporting critical frontline services affected by Covid-19. This may be in the form of immediate financial hardship, significantly increased demand, or an urgent need to adapt services to meet Covid-19 associated measures.

Organisations eligible for funding must have an annual turnover of less than £100,000 and also be registered charities; charitable incorporated organisations; or a social enterprise; this includes companies limited by guarantee and community interest companies.

Due to timescales and given the limited funding that is available, we are seeking to work in those areas where we have already established a place based focus and to work with organisations who we are currently engaged with or are known to us.

We are therefore inviting you to apply for a grant of up to £10,000. Funding is available for activity up until the 31st October. You are not required to apply for the maximum amount and are encouraged to consider how funding will be utilised during the funded period as set out in the application.

To apply for this grant please complete the short application attached and return by 9am on Monday 29th June. Applications should be returned to the Violence Reduction Unit inbox: vru@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk

We appreciate your support in meeting this requirement in the short timescale, which has been set in accordance an overarching deadline for submission to the Home Office by the 30th June.

West Midlands Violence Reduction Unit

Download the Expression of Interest form here