What should Wolverhampton’s local National Lottery funding priorities be? - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
3 years ago

Following on from the recent Reaching Communities workshop on the 1st of February, the Lottery are keen to know what people think Wolverhampton’s local funding priorities should be.

Please share your thoughts and ideas about what you think the funding priorities should be in Wolverhampton. Here are some questions to start us off:

  • Is there a particular issue that you think affects people in Wolverhampton here and now?
  • Is there something that you think could or will become an issue in the near future?
  • What areas of the city do you think face the greatest challenges?
  • Which community or group of people in Wolverhampton are facing particular challenges?
  • What are the strengths in Wolverhampton’s communities that could be built on?
  • What are the key issues for you?
  • What are the key areas for development that you would like to see?

Please email: Sharon Nanan-Sen snanan-sen@wolverhamptonvsc.org.uk