The Youth Engagement Strategic Partnership Board have been supporting organisations by providing funding to organisations to deliver a summer activities. We recently awarded grants for October half term.
We are pleased to announce additional funding opportunities to ensure the City has activities during Christmas half term and February Half Term.
Please note organisations will only need to complete one application form, with providers having the option of whether they deliver during Christmas, February or both. The Youth Engagement Strategic Partnership Board will be assessing all HAF and February half term applications.
The Board plays an integral role in ensuring the city’s Youth Engagement Strategy is delivered. The board was launched in November 2020, is supported by the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Coproduction and Youth Engagement Team and has been working on the development of the application form.
The Youth Engagement Strategic Board is comprised of reps from Youth Voice Groups across the city, these include the Youth Council, Culture & Diversity Group, HY5 (SEND Forum), Children In Care Council (CiCC) and the Local Youth Ambassador Groups.
The application process comes with its own criteria that we encourage you to read carefully. The Holiday Activity Fund has an eligibility criteria targeting children eligible for free school meals. Providers will need to demonstrate that their provision is meeting this eligibility criteria.
Key dates
Tuesday November 2nd 2021 12 noon Deadline for all Winter HAF and February half term application forms. Applications will not be considered after this time or date. Please ensure the form is submitted to the correct email address.
Saturday 13th November 2021 – All applicants will be invited to present their proposal to young people. The Youth Engagement Strategic Partnership Board is hoping to making decisions on this day. Please note, this is an essential criteria of the application process. Failure to attend will result in your application being declined.
Friday 19th November 2021– formal notification of grant decision
Full details of the funding criteria and application form are available here.