Wolverhampton Skills Connect – Preferred Supplier Network - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
3 years ago

Wolverhampton Skills Connect – Preferred Supplier Network

The CRF Skills Connect is a partnership of 15 organisations delivering employment and skills support to communities across Wolverhampton.

> More information

The project aims to work with 700 unemployed or economically inactive people, identifying their needs and planning interventions.  The Skills Connect project aims to support people to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Develop additional life skills
  • Move into education
  • Gain a qualification
  • Search for jobs
  • Secure employment
  • Access welfare benefits

The Preferred Supplier Network or PSN is further funding, available to help partners reach the targets agreed within the Wolverhampton Skills Connect project.  The funding can be used by the partnership to expand the services on offer to customers, with the aim of supporting the delivery of the projects agreed outcomes.

This form can be used by:

  • Skills connect partners who wish to propose additional activity to support their work either delivered directly or through a third party organisation.
  • Any local voluntary organisation or community group wishing to offer additional activities to the partnership that will help to deliver the outcomes above.

There is no deadline for proposals and applications will be considered during our monthly steering meetings.  You can apply for staff time, equipment, or resources involved in delivering the proposed activities. 

Please note though that all work must be delivered, paid for and all costs claimed by 31st October 2022.

We anticipate that applications will be for £2,000 – £5,000.

Returning this Application

All applications will be considered against the needs of the project and the aims of the programme.  Please ensure that all completed applications are returned to: Gurpreet Sahota GSahota@wolverhamptonvsc.org.uk.