Gazebo & Barnardo's launch pandemic support service - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
4 years ago

Between August 2020 and October 2020, Gazebo Theatre in Education would like to offer all services and agencies the opportunity to give support to all children and families that have experienced difficulties during the Pandemic. This additional service has a number of offers that may suit and support some of our most hidden and vulnerable children and families.

Are you worried about a child or young person affected by the Covid-19 crisis?

We are all too aware that the current coronavirus pandemic is impacting on everyone in our society, with the most vulnerable being exposed to even more risk.

The pandemic means vulnerable children and young people are hidden from support services, but would benefit from early support before they meet the statutory crisis threshold.

Everyone in your organisation who is worried about a child or young person who is not supported by a statutory agency can now refer them to a single response centre for England: “The See,
Hear, Respond Partnership”.

With the help of a £7m package of support from the Department for Education, the See, Hear, Respond Partnership is supported by Gazebo Theatre and managed by Barnardo’s.
Its members include a wide range of national and local organisations, working together to identify and support those experiencing negative impacts on their health and wellbeing, as well as those at risk of harm.

See, Hear, Respond will contact every referral made, so no child gets missed.  It will then find a partner best placed to support the most isolated and at-risk children in our area. They’ll get help in one or more of four ways:

  • An online hub of support and information,
  • Online counselling and therapy 
  • Face-to-face support for those most affected and at risk, and
  • Helping children and young people reintegrate back into school.

Please take action to prevent harm to children and young people in the following ways:

  • Familiarise yourself with See, Hear, Respond. You’ll find detailed briefings for all professional partners on this public drive.
  • Please use the poster, email banner and social media posts to raise awareness of See, Hear, Respond amongst colleagues and the wider public. Use the media aimed at children and young people so they might see it and contact the Partnership themselves, such as public waiting areas and on social media channels.
  • Refer any child you are worried about, and who is not already supported by a statutory agency. You can call 0800 157 7015 to make a referral from 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday, and 10am – 6pm at weekends, or go to to use our secure referral form.