Get involved in #orangewolves 2021 campaign - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
3 years ago

Dear #orangewolves partners,

Please forward details of this year’s Orange Wolverhampton campaign across your networks.

As always it starts on 25th Nov and ends on 10th December. To get involved:

  1. Check out the website
  2. Share details of your #orangewolves eventsat  . You will need to complete a new form for each different event. We will only be able to promote one event, at any given location each day – on a first come, first served basis, so please try to avoid any duplication.
  3. Order you resources for collection from WVSC 16 Temple Street, Wolverhampton WV2 4AN from 24th November onwards at 
  4. Take part in the ‘#orangewolves – pass it on!’ challengeas follows:
    • Record an ‘Orange Wolverhampton – pass it on’ video clip of why you are supporting the Orange Wolverhampton campaign:
    • Record the video in landscape
    • Maximum length 30 secs
    • Get someone to throw anything orange to you from your right hand side, speak to the camera as to why you are supporting #orangewolves, then throw the orange object you have just caught off to your left hand side. See
    • Share your video via Twitter using the hashtag #OrangeWolves, or send via WhatsApp to 07981 931849.
    • We will combine these videos at the end of the campaign and share the finished product on net 
  5. Join the Flag-raising ceremony in St. Peter’s Squareon Thurs 25th Nov at raising ceremony at 10am
  6. Support the Pop-Up shopin the city centre  between 10:30am and 4:30pm on Thursday 25th and / or Fri 26th November by
    • volunteering to staff the Pop-Up Shop for an hour or two. Just email offer a slot on either of the two days.
    • booking a small table as part of our Pop-Up Shop to promote some aspect of your work that relates to ending violence against women and girls or supporting any victims of interpersonal violence. Space is limited and you will need to bring and take away your literature / goodies each day. – email: book a table.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Stephen Dodd at or call 07981 931849.