The Adult Education Service is seeking a new member for their Advisory Board which is chaired by Cllr. Hardacre, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills.
Following a review of their Terms of Reference they have decided to balance their representation by having a senior person from a voluntary and community organisation.
Adult Education prioritises the following groups:
- BAME and especially those from marginalised groups and with low or no English language skills
- People with mental health issues
- People who have learning disabilities or difficulties
- Families with multiple barriers to education
- Those living in the top 10% deprivation areas
and more generally
- Unemployed and distant from the labour market
- Low and no skilled
They are particularly interested in representation from organisations with a strong focus on well-being and mental health.
The Advisory Board meets four times a year (Nov, Feb, May and July) for 2 hours, currently using Teams but ordinarily, face to face in the city centre. They focus on improving teaching, learning and assessment and there would be opportunities for a board member to get involved in activities with students. They also look at how the curriculum meets need and supports people into work. Additionally, they look at cross cutting themes such as E&D, safeguarding, Prevent agenda and British Values.
If you are interested, please contact:
Joanne Keatley
Head of Adult Education
City of Wolverhampton Council
Tel. Office: 01902558173
Tel. Mobile: 07795424830