The University of Wolverhampton runs a wide range of nursing courses. Typically at any given point the University supports around 900 student nurses per year across all campuses.
Courses include children’s nursing (undergraduate level), learning disability nursing (undergraduate level), adults nursing (undergraduate and masters levels), mental health nursing (undergraduate and masters levels), and nursing apprenticeships.
Most of these courses require students to engage in 50% academic theory based learning, and 50% practice in order to meet the requirements of the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
Typically this practice experience within what could be viewed as “typically where nurses practice”.
Given the vast interface of support across our communities, the University would like to begin opening up this offer. This would specifically aim to broaden placement opportunities to include short placements in the voluntary, public health and third sector to help nurses achieve truly individualised care and support pathways through better understanding of other support and sign-posting opportunities.
Any stakeholders interested in exploring the co-development of short exposure placements (1-3 weeks) in their settings in order to support student nurse education are invited to contact Clare Dickens (Senior Lecturer in Mental Health and University of Wolverhampton Health and Wellbeing Academic Lead) to explore options and potentially move forward with setting up agreements. :
- email:
- tel: 01902 321000 ext 2637
Full support and any training to support this development will be offered.
The University’s practice tariffs also offer payment for these weeks, at present currently to the value of around £82 per week per student.