Low Cost DBS Check admin fees through NCVO Membership - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
4 years ago

NCVO membership  gives access to a range of benefits including low cost admin fees for DBS checks, and is available free to organisations with an income of under £30,000 and then on a rising scale dependent on annual income.
NCVO have an arrangement with Disclosure Services which gives a 40% reduction on their admin fees for NCVO members.

The cost of a DBS check is made up of two parts:

  1. The admin fee – charged by the Umbrella Body that an organisation gets DBS check through.
  2. A fee set by the DBS for the various levels of DBS check
    • VOLUNTEERS – No fee from DBS for Standard, or Enhanced checks
    • PAID STAFF – Different charges for standard (£23), Enhanced (£40)
    • There is no additional charge for Barred List checks for either volunteers or paid staff
    • Basic DBS checks cost £23 for both volunteers and paid staff

This means that the current admin fees with Disclosure Services are only:

  • £7.20 for volunteers
  • £8.60 for pad staff

For information about membership of NCVO and the full range of benefits see:

For details of DBS checks through NCVO’s trusted partner Disclosure Services see:

Other DBS Umbrella bodies can be found at https://www.gov.uk/find-dbs-umbrella-body