Partners needed for Wolverhampton Healthwatch Tender - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
3 years ago

WVSC and the University of Wolverhampton are in the process of responding to the recently announced Wolverhampton Healthwatch tender, which can be found here.

Deadline: Friday 17th December

An important part of a successful Healthwatch is ensuring that all communities within our City are able to both influence its priorities and respond to issues that are important to them and so we are keen to work with partners in order to maximise our collective “reach” and to ensure inclusivity.

We envisage achieving this through a combination of a small number of named local partners and the option of “spot purchasing” from others.  Clearly in doing so we need to work within the funding envelope.

If you feel that your organisation can contribute to a local Healthwatch that will be fully inclusive then please let us know, in no more than 300 words:

  • Your organisation’s name
  • Your contact details
  • How you would help to ensure that Healthwatch is fully inclusive of all citizens in our City.
  • An indication of the funding you would require to play this role.

Please send this to Ian Darch on:

The full tender needs to be completed by 07/01/2022 and so time is fairly tight – given that, we have put a deadline on responses as 17/12/21 at 5.00pm.