Partnership opportunity - St Peters’ Physical Activity Project - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
3 years ago

Partnership opportunity

St Peters’ Physical Activity Project

This is opportunity for an organisational partner to play a key role in a pilot project aimed at increasing levels of physical activity within St Peters Ward, with a focus on working with children aged 9-11, their families and local schools  Please note the deadline for proposals is strictly Midday on 23rd June 2022.


  • Levels of physical activity within Wolverhampton are low compared to national and regional averages. This has a wider impact on the health and well- being of our communities.
  • A partnership consisting of: Schools covering St Peters ward, Black Country and West Birmingham CCG, Public Health and WVSC have secured funds to pilot a programme aimed at increasing levels of physical activity within the ward – one of the most deprived in the City.
  • Our focus will be on children aged 9 -11 who are living or attending school, in St Peters Ward, and their families; although our wider aim is to bring about sustainable change that will lead to an increase in physical activity levels across the wider ward community
  • Our initial aim is to increase levels of physical activity from less active (less than 30 minutes a day), to fairly active (30 -59 minutes a day) and active (60 minutes + a day).
  • The projects focus will be on Children, their families and the wider community who are classed as “less active”.
  • Once identified, funding of 60K has been secured to deliver the co-produced interventions – it is envisaged that these will be purchased, through the project steering group, from appropriately skilled and qualified organisations in the City.

This opportunity

Co-production, including in the design of interventions, and agreeing what success will look like and how this will be measured will be a key element of the project.

We are seeking a local delivery partner, which will engage with children, their families and other stakeholders, including schools, to:

  • Design and agree interventions that will bring about sustainable change in levels of physical activity among children, their families and more widely across St Peters Ward.
  • Oversee and report on delivery and impact, including measurable results, to the projects steering group.

This role will involve:

  • Working with the schools in order to establish effective processes for engaging children within the cohort, their families and school staff.
  • Working with children and their families to identify barriers and solutions to physical inactivity.
  • Working, including within the schools, to establish focus groups to guide the direction and delivery of the project
  • Identifying the cohorts of children and families that will directly engage as participants within the project
  • Establishing and using method/s to measure the projects impact on those directly involved and more widely across the ward
  • Working with focus groups and participants to agree the interventions that will be delivered and how they will be sustained beyond this pilot period.
  • Continuing to work, over the pilots lifetime, including within schools, in order to gauge the impact of the interventions on levels of physical activity
  • Liaising regularly with the project steering group, providing verbal and written updates on progress and highlighting key areas of learning.

These activities are indicative – this is a pilot project and so we will expect our chosen partner to adopt a very flexible approach in order to meet the needs of children, their families, schools and the wider ward area in order to maximise the projects positive impact on physical activity levels, along with other impacts and learning.

To apply

Please respond, in writing to: Ian Darch at using the heading Physical Activity Project.

Please tell us – in no more than 1500 words:

  • Your organisation’s experience of tackling physical inactivity in terms of individual participation
  • Your understanding of how travel and the built environment can impact on physical activity levels
  • Your experience of working in, and knowledge of Wolverhampton and the challenges that the City faces
  • Who will be carrying out this work, their qualifications and experience?
  • The approach that you will take in delivering this work.
  • How you will measure impact.

Any staff involved in the delivery of this work will require an up-to-date enhanced DBS Certificate.


09/06/2022:  Tender released

23/06/2022 @ Midday: Deadline for proposals

27/06/2022: Successful applicant informed

04/07/2022: Preliminary work begins.

01/09/2022: Implementation plan agreed with steering group

01/11/2022: First interventions identified and delivery commences

01/01/2023: All interventions underway

1/03/2023: Interim report on progress and impact

31/07/2023: Final interventions

31/08/2023: Final report produced for steering group



Up to £30,000 is available for the delivery of this work. 

Payment will be made as follows on receipt of invoices:

25% on commencement

25% on agreement to implementation plan

25% on receipt of satisfactory interim report

25% on receipt of final report

For an informal discussion please contact Ian Darch on 01902 773761.