VCS Draft Action Plan - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council

by James Clarke
6 years ago

An update from the Chief Exec

Following recent Third Sector Partnership meetings and our WVSC 30 conference, a Draft Action Plan has been drawn up to outline how the Voluntary and Community Sector and City of Wolverhampton Council will work together in the months ahead to improve and strengthen our partnership, for the benefit of local people.

Those of you who were able to attend our recent 30th year celebration event at the Light House would have heard a very positive presentation delivered by Mark Taylor, the Deputy Managing Director at the City of Wolverhampton Council. You may also have joined in with the Menti Poll on the day.

You can now download a copy of the Draft Action Plan that formed the basis of Mark’s presentation along with a list of the comments made via the menti poll for information.

Download the action plan here.

Download the menti poll results here.

The action plan is still in draft form – if you do have any comments on it then please contact our Chief Exec Ian Darch on over the next few days.