Wolverhampton CAMHS
Transformation Plan Refresh
2019 – 2021
In line with the national drive to improve and transform mental health services for Children and Young People and a recognition that this area of health care has lagged behind others, and been historically underfunded, Wolverhampton CCG are committed to investing more and improving our local services.
Our first Long Term Plan was published in 2015 and has been refreshed annually to detail our ongoing commitment to Children and Young People’s Mental Health as well as to describe our progress to date.
We want the Children and Young People of Wolverhampton to live happy, confident lives and to reach their full potential. It is important that they develop resilience and emotional health and wellbeing as they move into adulthood and that they are able to contribute fully to our society.
It seems that despite improvements made over the years there is still evidence that too many of our Children and Young People struggle with mental health issues and that they are not always able to access services which might support them early in their need meaning that they end up in crisis and requiring longer term and more in depth interventions from specialist services. In Wolverhampton we are committed to improving this situation.
In order to honour our commitment we are investing more in services each year, rolling out our newly commissioned emotional mental health and wellbeing services which ensure early access to counselling and also online services at the first signs of emotional distress. We are also investing more in crisis services to make sure they are available when they are required and we are focusing more on transition both between the services, and also into adult services. Importantly there is a commitment to recruiting and training the workforce.
We are absolutely committed to, and recognise the value and importance of promoting good mental health in Children, young People and their families and to make sure everyone knows where to get help and what services are on offer.
This plan goes on to describe this work in more detail and its content is to be welcomed as we go on a journey with the Children and Young People in our City.
Helen Hibbs, Chief Accountable Officer, Wolverhampton CCG