Wolverhampton Home are asking tenants, leaseholders, local residents and members of the wider community for feedback on their new Community Development Strategy.
“We want everyone to become involved in the decisions we make and the services we deliver, and to contribute to making our neighbourhoods great places to live, work and play.
“That’s why we have a Community Development Strategy, which sets out our plan to extend commmunity involvement. This strategy directly affects you as it paves the way for how we will engage with you in the future. If you want to stay in touch, we would be more than happy to arrange that for you – you can be involved as little or as much as you like or have time for.
“Please take a few moments to read the strategy and answer the short survey. This consultation will remain open until 30 July 2019.”
You can respond in a number of ways:
- Follow the link to our website where you can read the strategy and fill in the online survey: whomes.org.uk/CD-strategy-consultation
- Contact me on 07896 813 413 or email: linda.boys@wolverhamptonhomes.org.uk to request a paper copy of the strategy and the survey. We can arrange for one of the team to attend your meeting to present the strategy and lead a discussion on the contents.