WVSC Privacy Notice - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council
This privacy notice is designed to ensure that people are informed in a clear and transparent way about how we process their data.
What do we do?
Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council aims to maintain and develop a thriving and diverse voluntary and community sector.
We work with new and existing groups/organisations to enable them to provide high quality support and services.
We also deliver projects that provide direct support to individuals and families.
What information do we collect?
WVSC collects information about voluntary and community sector organisations both established and start-up groups. Some of this may be personal contact information.
WVSC runs several projects, which collect information about individuals (Data Subjects). In some circumstances this information will be special category (sensitive) data.
Each project, working with individuals, will have a privacy notice explaining how that service collects, holds and uses people’s data.
Why do we collect information?
WVSC is sometimes the data controller and sometimes the data processor.
We only collect your personal data with your consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent for WVSC to process your data at any time.
We do this in order to communicate with and provide appropriate support to individuals and groups. We also collect information because our funders require us to do so for monitoring and reporting purposes.
How do we store the information we collect?
We store information in different ways according to the project and service. This might include paper records and/or data in electronic format e.g. in databases on our own servers or on secure cloud storage.
We ensure that all our data is stored securely. Only staff with explicit reason to do so have access to personal data.
Who might we share it with?
We share collated data with funders for monitoring and reporting purposes only.
Where we have consent to do so we share individual’s data, with other organisations and services in order for our customers to receive better support. We will share your information to protect your life and to avoid significant harm to you. When necessary to share data, we may do this electronically or physically.
How long do we hold your information?
We only keep your information for as long as is necessary to provide support to individuals or groups or as required by our funders. Further details can be found about timescales from individual project privacy notices.
We also comply with legal requirements as appropriate.
You have the right to access your information, amend it, to be “forgotten”, to object to processing and to “portability” as outlined in our Data Protection Policy.
How can you access or correct the information we hold about you?
You can request to access personal information held by us and we will provide you with that information within 28 days in a format to be agreed with you. We reserve the right to redact any elements of the information if, by sharing it we risk breeching the rights under GDPR of someone else.
You can ask for the information we hold about you to be amended if you believe it to be inaccurate.
If WVSC believes the information to be accurate we will check this and inform you of why we believe it to be accurate. You have the right to restrict how your data is used or shared while the accuracy is being checked.